First of all, the Price of a Medion Lifetab is only about a third of an iPad. The screen is bigger, and the weight is about the same. What would you have chosen? Would you go for the 9.7″ screen, or would 10.1″ fit better?
I must admit it. A lot of products have not been anyway nearly as innovative as when Steve Jobs was alive. He was a very special man WHO never compromised the idea of excellence in new releases. When you switch between smartphones, you can easily find things where the iPhone doesn’t quite fit what you could expect from a phone that is oftentimes four to five times more expensive than other phones.
I made a choice a couple of months back. My Kazam was suffering from a rather bad screen due to the screen not being hard and strong enough. Besides, LG ran a sale through the supermarket Aldi, and I could get a LG L80 smartphone for a Fifth of the Price of an iPhone – with a bigger screen also…
As you have guessed, size matters. You need a decent phone, and although I admit the iPhone 6 is nice, it simply just isn’t worth the price. I am watching very closely to find something innovative. It’s no secret that I love Apple products, but they must be the best if my wallet is to be opened.
What are your thoughts?